
Hair transplantation is the procedure of re-locating the genetically resistant hair follicles from the donor area and planting on the recipient areas like scalp, beard, moustache, eyebrow etc. It is an outpatient procedure and done under local anaesthesia. Hair transplantation generally takes 6 to 9 hours and -due to individual differences and graft counts- even next-day continuation might be needed. The usual hair transplantation procedure which lasts 6-9 hours and even second day continuation called as a Single Session. Depending on your hair loss severity you may need more than a single session. The usual waiting period for next session is generally around 3 to 4 months. But in single session the follicular unit (graft) count that could be feasible to transplant is not unlimited. A typical three to four thousand graft operation already lasts 8 to 10 hours. To keep the quality, it is vital to allocate proper time period for each procedure. Trying to transplant more graft than 3000-4000 grafts within 8-10 hours definitely decreases the quality. 

The usual donor area for hair transplantation is located at the back of the head and we call this donor area as the major donor area. Beard and chest hairs are also good sources where we call them minor donor areas.

Chest Donor Area as represented

Hair Follicle Harvesting Methods

There are two ways of obtaining follicular units (grafts) from the major donor area and we call these methods as:

Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS)

FUT is the ex-term for this method. A strip is removed from the back of the head and stitches are placed to close the defect.

Follicular Unit Incision - FUI (Ex Term FUE)

FUE is the ex-term for this method. This is the most popular and sought-after method among patients. As the hair follicles are removed one by one stitch is not necessary, so the post-operative period is much more comfortable comparing to FUSS (FUT) method.

Your surgeon will decide on the method after the assessment.

Hair Follicle Implanting Methods

There are several ways of grasping and implanting the hair follicles. Grasping and implanting hair follicles by forceps, implanting hair follicles by a pen like instrument etc. Every surgeon and team have their own method where they are experienced in thus, they are not superior to each other. Black market clinics tend to use misleading terms like NDHI, Touchless method etc to draw the attention of the patients.

So, regardless the methods of harvesting and implanting the outcome of the procedure is determined especially by your surgeon’s experience. So, if you feel you find the right surgeon just trust and go ahead, do not stuck on minor details.

Hairline & Recipient Area

The most critical point of hair transplantation is the design & level of the frontal hair line and the size of the recipient site.


The most anterior 2 to 4 cm wide zone is called as frontal hairline.

In order to create a natural hairline, two essential skills are needed:

    1. To decide the proper level and shape of the hairline for each individual separately. There are several individual features which we need to take in to account while deciding on the level and shape of the frontal hairline like age, head shape, forehead size etc. Your individual features and your surgeon’s advices will determine the final level and shape of the hairline. No worries, I will guide and advise the best option for your case!
    2. To understand and be able to mimic the natural characteristics and patterns of hairline.
Natural Hairline Creation Samples
Natural Characteristics of The Anterior Hairline

The second component of hairline creation is understanding and mimicking the natural patterns and characteristics of a hairline.

There are 3 zones in the frontal hairline:

  1. Transitional zone
  2. Defined zone
  3. Frontal tuft zone
Transitional Zone

Consists of the first 0.5 to 1 cm of the hairline and should contain micro and macro irregularities where the density should increase towards defined zone. It should contain purposely selected fine single hair follicles. I generally prefer to place very fine singles randomly in front of the transition zone.

Defined Zone

The defined zone is the 2 to 3 cm wide area that sits directly posterior to the transition zone. In this area hairline should develop a higher degree of definition and density. Density in this zone creates a fuller-looking hairline by preventing a solid hairline look.

Frontal Tuft Area

The frontal tuft area is a small but esthetically significant oval area that overlies the central portion of the defined zone directly behind the transition zone in the midline. This area should have higher degree of density than the rest of the transition zone.

Proper Angulation and Direction

Angle refers to the degree of elevation a hair as it exits the scalp where Direction refers to
which way the hair points when leaving the scalp. In order to have a natural looking hair line
your surgeon should have the skill and experience of creating properly directed and
angulated recipient sites.


Recipient area is the area where the hair follicles are implanted on. It could be scalp and facial areas like beard, eyebrow and moustache but here I will discuss about scalp as a recipient area.

Once we remove a hair follicle from donor region, there won’t be hair re-growth from this area. Basically, -as human beings- we do not have unlimited donor supply which will let us to cover all the recipient areas with the possible highest densities; So, we have to use this limited donor source in most efficient way. It is simple to understand that, if we reduce the size of the recipient area, we increase the hair density, vice versa. So smaller the size, higher the density!

I discuss all these points during the consultation and thoroughly guide my patients before the procedure!

Please do follow my instructions and trust my expertise! That’s why I chose the motto “IN EXPERT WE TRUST”

With Dr. Sezgin

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What my patients say

I am Airat Khalirakhmanov. I am the head of the Surgery Department of the health-care unit of the Kazan Federal University. In November 2019, I attended an internship with Dr. Sezgin. He met me very good-naturedly and showed me all the details of the work in his clinic. He thoroughly performed the operation for hair transplantation, showed me all essential details and what we need to pay special attention during the surgery. This was a great discovery for me. He showed new opportunities, new horizons in hair transplantation. The level of his performance impressed me very much. A lot of things, that I saw in Dubai, in his clinic, amazed me. Therefore, I highly recommend contacting Dr. Sezgin like a master of your craft. I really liked what I saw and how it's done and it struck me from a professional point of view of hair transplantation. In addition, the doctor is a very good-natured and helpful colleague, so I highly recommend him.

Airat Khalirakhmanov
Hair Transplant Surgeon

Assalam u alaikum Dr. SezginThank you so much for examining and dedicating precious time to me.I saw your work on Insta. You are really an Artist.Once again thank you so much for valuable suggestion and time.Nice to meet you. Allah Bless you.


I have done an FUE hair transplant with Dr Cagatay SEZGIN; I m pretty happy with the amazing result. My hair looks dense, natural and smooth even people can not tell the difference. Now I understand very well why they call him as ‘celebrity hair transplant surgeon’I highly recommend Dr Sezgin to anybody who’s planning to have hair transplant in Dubai. Wish you all my best doc! 

Ali Alaskar
Emirates Airline Captain Dubai

I had the pleasure of doing a hair transplant with Dr C SEZGIN  I can only say good thing about Dr Sezgin and the clinic. Dr. Sezgin took personal time to explain the surgery and helped me make my decision. I felt comfortable with him because contrary to many others HE SPECIALIZES IN HAIR AND HAS DONE SO FOR 20 YEARS. He also is a full time in Dubai and has a lovely clinic which helped me feel safe in case of any post-operative care.I can only praise Dr. Sezgin. He is very competent, very flexible and very friendly. One can feel his experience by his confidence. His staff are great also, some of them having been with him for years. They make a great team and can’t praise them enough.

D. B.
Airline Captain Dubai

I have heard a lot about Dr. SEZGIN. As I have been seeing too many bad & fake looking results around, frankly I was scaring to undergo a hair transplant. After I met with Dr. Sezgin he convinced me with his confidence and experience. He is really one of the experienced hair transplant surgeons besides he is only performing hair transplant surgeries. I had one session of FUE and was transplanted around 4500 graft.Thanks Dr. Sezgin for the glowing life changing results.

Craig Gallagher

I’ve done a hair transplant with Dr. Cagatay Sezgin; I’m very happy with the very good results, my hair looks very nice natural and smooth. And may family very happy for that.I highly recommend to anybody who’s planning to have hair transplant in Dubai. Thanks a lot doc!

Mohamed Sayed Ahmed
Ministry of Education – Egypt
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Please upload your images from sides, back, top, and front of your head as described by the pictures below.

Dr. Cagatay Sezgin

 Jumeirah Beach Road Umm Squeim 1 – Villa 611, P.O. Box: 57394, Dubai, UAE

  +905326879626    Sat. – Thu. 09.00-18.00

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