Even though hair transplantation is a minor surgery which is done under local anesthesia there are some precautions. Every healthy 18+ individual is technically a candidate for the procedure. My principal is to discuss all these precautions with my patients during the consultation and to give the hard copy of the preoperative instruction form personally and even, to email a soft copy to their registered email addresses. All these efforts are to protect your health and to achieve the best hair transplant results; please ensure that all these precautions have been strictly followed.
I routinely prescribe Nizoral shampoo to prevent fungal infections and to prepare the scalp for the surgery.
Here are general advices:
- Stop every kind of smoking 10 days before
- Stop taking all kind of vitamins, multivitamins, herbal supplements 10 days before
- Stop taking artificial protein tablets, powders, shakes 10 days before but if these protein supplements contain L-ARGININ (please refer to ingredients) than you need to stop 30 days before as it may increase the bleeding.
- No need to cut your hair, we will shave on the day of surgery.
- Stop aspirin and aspirin like blood thinners warfarin, coumadin etc. 10 days before.
- Please sleep early the day before the procedure and rest well!
- Please have a shower in the morning and after drying your hairs, apply EMLA CREAM (prescription will be given) both on the donor and the recipient areas one-hour before you come to clinic.
- Please do have a full breakfast in the morning before you come to clinic. AVOID COFFEE AND TEA.
- Please wear a front buttoned shirt and please do not wear T-Shirts.
- Unless you are told so, please be at the clinic latest by 8 am.
But please refer the full list for PREOPERATIVE INSTRUCTION FORM which you can download as a PDF document also.
Hair Transplant Surgery
Hair Loss Treatments
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Dr. Cagatay Sezgin
Jumeirah Beach Road Umm Squeim 1 – Villa 611, P.O. Box: 57394, Dubai, UAE
+905326879626 Sat. – Thu. 09.00-18.00