Beard transplant is the most effective surgical procedure that can help you create a full and perfectly sculpted beard by increasing the density and fullness of sparse or patchy beard. Undergoing beard hair transplant surgery can completely change your look, providing sharp, full and carefully trimmed appearance.
Before & After Results
The outcomes of beard transplantation will become visible over 12 to 18 months and once transplanted hair follicles begin to grow, they will continue to grow for a lifetime. You can shave and groom the transplanted hair just like other facial hairs. The results may vary from person to person.
Beard Transplant Candidate
Beard hair transplant procedure may be an ideal option for you if:
- You are unable to grow a beard.
- You have a spotty or patchy beard and you want to enhance its density and fullness.
- You have lost the desired density and appearance of your facial hair due to scars or burns and you want to conceal problematic areas.
- You want to modify the pattern and shape of your beard.
- You want to enhance the appearance of your facial features by enhancing your beard.
Beard Transplant Goals
Beard hair transplant aims at:
- Restoring the thickness and density of congenital sparse or patchy beard caused by some trauma or disease.
- Enhancing the aesthetic appearance of your beard by increasing its density and enhancing its shape.
- Helping you improve your facial aesthetic appearance, providing a more masculine and mature look.
Beard Transplant Techniques
Beard hair transplant surgery can be performed using the following two techniques:
- Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) or strip method: This technique involves harvesting a strip of the scalp at the rear and then creating hundreds of tiny grafts to be implanted in the bald facial area.
- FUE Follicular Unit Extraction: This technique involves the extraction of individual follicular units using a tiny punch tool.
Pre-op Preparation
Just like hair transplant, the beard hair transplant technique also requires following some important pre-op instructions. Listed below are some common pre-op instructions that nearly every patient needs to follow:
- Avoid the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and other blood-thinning medications.
- Avoid smoking as well as drinking prior to surgery. Both can cause excessive bleeding and interfere with the healing process.
- Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks on the day of the surgery.
Beard Transplant Procedure
- Beard hair transplant surgery is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and takes 2 to 5 hours depending on the number of hair required. The steps involved in the surgery are:
- Preparation of donor area: Firstly, the surgeon prepares the donor area by trimming hair to make follicular extraction easy. The area is cleansed as well.
- Administration of anesthesia: Then local anesthesia is administered in the donor area to numb it and make the procedure painless.
- Extraction of hair follicles: After administration of anesthesia, hair follicles are extracted using either FUE technique or FUT technique depending on the number of hair required.
- Preparing grafts for implantation: Then hair follicles of the desired size are prepared from extracted grafts under a powerful microscope.
- Preparing recipient area: While hair follicles are prepared for implantation, recipient area – beard – is prepared by administering local anesthesia and making tiny incisions with 0.7-0.9 mm micro-blades.
- Implantation of hair follicles: Finally, the hair follicles are implanted properly by keeping in mind the desired density, thickness and pattern of the beard.
For the optimal result, it is very important to adhere both to pre and post operative instructions. You may notice numbness, pinkness/redness, scabbing both on the transplanted and donor areas where they are all normal and the part of the surgery.
1st visit: It will be the day after the surgery.
Purpose: Bandage removal and general post-operative assessment.
2nd visit: It will be on the 10th post operative day
Purpose: Donor & recipient area scab removals.
Subsequent appointments will be on post operative:
-1 th month
-2nd month
-4th month
-6th month
-10th month
-12th month and
-18th month
- Antibiotics: Generally we are prescribing penicillin or cephalosporin based antibiotics for 5 days to prevent an infection. Please consider to take pills after food. For details, please refer the prescription that you have given. In case of an allergy suppose to arise by these medications please immediately discontinue these medications and call us for assistance and depending on the severity of your case, you may even consider to go to an emergency service.
- Pain killer: As heavy post operative pain is not usual, we generally prescribe Paracetamol as a pain killer. For details, please refer the prescription that you have given. The usual dosage is: 500 mg twice a day for three days – after food- starting from the surgery date.
- Within 3 days postoperatively:-Until 3 day completion post operatively, nothing specific needs to be done. This period allows grafts to firmly attach their transplanted sites. During this period please do not wash the transplanted area and do not touch.– Start to apply Avene Thermal Spring Water spray on the transplanted area twice a day. Just apply few spray and let it dry by itself.Washing your Face: You can start washing your face after 72 hours completion of the transplantation. be careful. Before wetting the transplanted area please apply a very small amount of baby shampoo on the area by direct touch and leave it there for couple of minutes afterwards, just fill your palms with cold water and wet the transplanted area for a while and repeat it for several times until you clean the baby shampoo. Do not rub, do not scratch and do not press while washing the transplanted area. Repeat the whole process twice-a-day2- How to dry: You can pat-dry with a paper towel but do not rub, do not press on the transplanted area.3- Just after drying, apply Avene Thermal Spring water by spraying once or twice. Donor Area Care:We prescribe antibiotic Ointment -generally bacitracin- to apply on donor region. Please apply small amount of ointment once-a-day on the donor with the help of a sterile gauze pad for 3 days post operatively and leave the donor area open.4- General comment & reminders:-Do not apply ice on the transplanted area-Avoid strenuous physical activity and exercise 3 -4 weeks post operatively.-Please consume soft foods during 10 days post operatively and avoid hard-chewing.
-in order to to protect both the transplanted and the donor areas, please stay indoors for 10 days after the procedure.
-the transplanted hairs will fall within 2 months after the surgery, so no need to worry.
-do not sleep face down position; sleep face-up position with 2-3 pillows under and place the under-pad provided over your pillow to keep your pillow away from possible oozing from the donor and sleep at a slightly elevated angle for 3-4 nights.
– You may notice itching both in the transplanted and in the donor area, which is quite normal and part of tissue healing after the procedure. You may apply Avene Thermal Spring Water whenever you feel itchy.
-Do not bend your head down whenever you need to wear your shoes or pick-up something from the floor; just squad.
– Oozing from the donor area thus an isolated pink-red dot on your bandage is quite normal. But if slight bleeding occurs on the donor area, please apply a gentle pressure for 5-10 minutes on the area by a sterile gauze pad or a clean cloth.
– You may notice pimples both on the donor and the recipient areas they spontaneously heal, rarely progress and pustules. In case of pustule please apply Betadine antiseptic solution with a sterile gauze pad.
You can wash your face in the usual manner but while dealing with the transplanted area please
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Dr. Cagatay Sezgin
Jumeirah Beach Road Umm Squeim 1 – Villa 611, P.O. Box: 57394, Dubai, UAE
+905326879626 Sat. – Thu. 09.00-18.00